The first running of my Winter on the Southern Avalon series was held on Saturday December 5th. It sold out quick and everyone had a great time. It was chilly with snow off and on,but despite this, we saw lots of sea ducks,including an amazing experience with a Bald Eagle taking a female King Eider!!For other highlights see my Newfoundland Winter Birds in Newfoundland Weather Blog.
I did a mini two person tour on short notice on Wed Dec 23rd. We birded from Cape Race to Sh.Shotts in amazing clear conditions. We had phenomenal looks at multiple species of sea ducks including, Long-tailed Duck, King Eider,Harlequin Duck and many others. We also had point blank views of Dovekie and Purple Sandpiper. However, the highlight of the the trip was over an hour spent photographing a herd of Caribou at close range! You just never know what your going to see on this part of the island,but you are always guarenteed,breathtaking scenery and multiple species of sea ducks.
As a gesture of thanks to previous participants, I would like to offer a 20% discount on remainng Winter on the Southern Avalon Tours. That means a full day of birding at this amazing location for just $80. The regular $100 fee applies to first time participants.
** Note** With 3 participants or less partial fuel cost is added to the fee.
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