Note** This page will be updated in the near future with current info. If you are interested in learning more about Newfoundland songbirds, you can visit the various other pages on my blog and if you are interested in birding workshops or a private guided Newfoundland birding experience, please see the Birding Newfoundland website. The workshop described herein, will be offered again in the future.
In the past I have received numerous emails from people asking if
there was a field guide specifically for the birds of Newfoundland, or
a bird song cd that covered Newfoundland birds only. It was with that
in mind that I have decided to offer a Newfoundland songbird workshop.
This workshop is geared toward beginner and intermediate birders and
will focus on learning how to recognize immediately what type of bird
you are looking at, i.e. Warbler, Flycatcher, Sparrow etc. You will
learn the key features to look for when separating songbirds of
various groups.
This is not meant to replace your field guide,but will greatly
enhance your ability to identify Newfoundland birds. In spring and
summer, most bird identifications are made by song. Knowing a birds
song will tip you off to it's presence and will allow you to key on
specific species. This is especially important if you are trying to
photograph particular species. This workshop will give you a great
start in in Newfoundland bird song ID.
For those of you that participated in the gull workshops,the format
will be very similar.
The workshop will include:
2 (3hr)classroom sessions- Sat May 8th, Sun May 16th, 9:00am-12:00am
1 (4hr) field session- Sun May 16th, 6am-10am
covers identification of about 80 species of songbirds,by sight and
Powerpoint presentation of all material, as well as a cd of recorded
bird songs of all species covered.
Cost: $125
***NOTE*** Terra Nova Birding Weekend participants receive a 50%
discount. Codroy Valley Tour participants receive this workshop for free!!
Attached is an add for the workshop. If you can't identifiy all of these
species at a glance and hear their song in your head,then you will
benefit from this workshop.
Maximum of 9 participants,with a few places already reserved. If you
are interested in this workshop please contact me at
dave.browne@gmail.com asap to reserve your spot.
This workshop is incredible, this CD is a worthy piece of art... even if mother nature did it!
ReplyDeleteNice blog, thanks for posting.